Account Manager

Yulia Kunitsyna was born in the Crimea, where she graduated from the Crimean Academy of Environmental Protection and Resort Construction with a degree in enterprise economics.

From her student years, Yulia began working in the field of marketing and advertising. For several years, she had her own advertising agency, which was engaged in the promotion of international and national brands using various advertising mechanics.

Yulia has a vast experience in managing various businesses.

Yulia is fluent in Russian, Ukrainian and English, and she is planning to study Spanish in the near future. Yulia never stops learning new things, that’s why she is taking various training courses, seminars and workshops.

Yulia has been working in the office of Elizaveta Samorukova and Irina Shabetayev since the spring of 2022 as an Account Manager. Her responsibilities include communicating with clients, drafting contracts, working in CRM and document management.

In her free time, Yulia likes to travel, attend concerts, sporting events, exhibitions, cinema, theater.