Brand Manager

Olena Kryvoruchko, brand developing specialist at Elizaveta Samorukova’s company, as well as a specialist in visas for people with extraordinary abilities.

Olena was born in Ukraine, Donetsk city. She graduated from high school with a gold medal, in 2016 she received a master’s degree in philosophy from the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, and also completed a certificate program in religious studies. The winner of the intra-university competition in oratory in the category «Persuasive Speech».

For three years in a row, she took summer studies in the United Kingdom, in particular at the London College of Fashion with a degree in Fashion Styling, as well as culinary courses at the Jamie Oliver Cookery School. In 2018 she graduated from the School of Internet Marketers.

Olena is a Candidate for Master of Sports in kickboxing, silver medalist of the world freestyle championship. In the past, she was a soloist of the Donetsk branch of Alla Dukhova’s “TODES” ballet.

Before working at the immigration office of Elizaveta Samorukova, Olena was engaged in blogging. In 2019, together with her husband and daughter, she made a 100-day trip to all 50 states of America. In her free time, Olena continues to blog, plan new trips, and take care of her family.